TEXTBOOK of the FOOT and ANKLE- 2nd edition
Korean Foot and Ankle Society co- author, 2019
Enhanced tendon restoration effects of anti-inflammatory, lactoferrin-immobilized, heparin-polymeric nanoparticles in an Achilles tendinitis rat model
Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020
Modified Broström Procedure using Distal Fibular Periosteal Flap Augmentation vs Anatomic Reconstruction using a Free Tendon Allograft in Patients who are not Candidates for Standard Repair
Foot & Ankle International, 2017
Clinical Outcomes of the Modified Broström Procedure Using Distal Fibular Periosteal Flap Augmentation for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability
Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, 2017
Effectiveness of the Plantar Aponeurosis Release for Limitation in the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Extension after Hallux Valgus Surgery
Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics, 2017
Revision Surgery for Recurrent Pain after Excision of the Accessory Navicular and Relocation of the Tibialis Posterior Tendon
Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery, 2016
Surgery for Synovial Fistula after Excision of the Lateral Malleolar Bursitis of the Ankle: A Case Report
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2015
Failure to restore sagittal tibiotalar alignment in total ankle arthroplasty : Its relationship to the axis of the tibia and the positioning of the talar component
The bone & joint journal. 2015
Talofibular Bony Impingement in the Ankle.
Foot & Ankle International, 2015
Ankle Fracture Associated with Tibia Shaft Fractures
Journal of the Korean Fracture Society. 2014
Radiographic Characteristics and the Clinical Results of the Operative Treatment of the Tarsometatarsal Osteoarthritis with Hallux Valgus Deformity
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2013
Calcaneal Lengthening Osteotomy for the Symptomatic Flexible Flatfoot in Adults
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2013
Radiographic Characteristics and the Clinical Results of the Operative Treatment of Muller- Weiss Disease
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2013
Usefulness of Morphine in the Periarticular Multimodal Drug Local Injection after Surgery for Hallux Valgus
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2013
The effectiveness of minimally invasive total knee arthroplasty to preserve quadriceps strength: a randomized controlled trial
The Knee, 2011
Compartment Syndrome and Deep Vein Thrombosis after Repetitive Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Journal of the Korean Arthroscopy Society, 2008
The Clinical Results of Autologous Osteochondral Grafts in Osteochondral Lesion of the Talus
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2007
Relationship between Radiographic Classification and Articular Cartilage Lesions in Medial Degenerative Arthritis of the Ankle
Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society, 2007
Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty using Allogenic Impaction Bone Grafts and Cemented Cup in Acetabular Bone Deficiency - Minimum Seven Years Clinical and Radiological Analysis
The Journal of the Korean Hip Society , 2007
Acute Myelopathy due to Ruptured HNP in Cervical OPLL Patient - Case Report
Journal of Korean Society of Spine Surgery, 2006